Monday, June 7, 2010

How Art Made The World

This film explored how we as a human race have come to perceive the body the way we do. Through the analysis of the workings of the human mind, starting with the Venus of Willendorf, an ancient statuette, depicting the female form in a very exaggerated manner. Evidently due to the fact that fertility and reproduction was important at this time.

Then, moving onto Egyptian art forms, the two dimensional representations of the human forms. This was founded to be based on a grid, and strict measurements, as to where each part of the body would be. Also, all aspects of the human body were portrayed at their best angle, which resulted in non-realistic representations of the human form.

Continuing through time, we come to the Greeks, who somewhat lawfully distorted the human body to achieve an inhuman perfection. It was also mathematically based, dividing the body up into sections which were to be separately manipulated using mathematics. Greeks used this to the extreme to create sculptures which displayed impossibly athletic men.

Cave paintings were the first ever form of pictures, but what possessed an ancient artist to paint these images on the walls of caves. We need to go way back in time to find out. Many ancient artists usually painted the same images, colours and patterns, why was this? At first it was believed it was due to the animals they hunted, that theory went down the drain, as the question was raised, if you cannot understand what a picture is, how do you come up with the idea of painting one?

It was thus proven that prolonged time in dark spaces, and trance like states induced the same effect on the human mind. It causes us to see colours and patterns, hich are hardwired into the human brain. This explains the similarities between paintings found on opposite sides of the world.

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